Monday 29 December 2008

Character: Monster 2

While adding Zoe's helmet I decided also to incorporate the fighter pilot helmet into the monsters head design rather than using complicated bits of aircraft. For the monster I took note of some other examples of pilot helmet from the Warhammer 40K Space Marines and also Star wars TIE fighter pilots:

However, I decided in the end to stick as close to Zoe’s design as possible seeing as it is her grief and is a part of her, so it should look like her in part. I was going to investigate giving the monster an expression of grief kind of like the well known scream mask but it needs a little more thought.

The scream mask has a permanent expression that never changes which is nice but I want the monster to be able to shut its mouth. For now all I want the monster to do is evoke fear not only in my character but the audience, and I believe a more malicious expression will suit better in this case. So, here are some initial sketches of the new monster. I don't really want the design to move much from here apart from becoming simpler.

The kanji on the monsters forehead stands for sadness or grief (I think) but it will not be included in the animation. I also redrew the monster roar with the turbine according to the above design:

This is still really complicated but I feel it’s almost as simple as it is going to get. The aesthetic will be the last thing that will define the monsters appearence. The turbine mouth is going to have to stay for now...It only appears on screen for a little while...thankfully.

1 comment:

Rob Brindle said...

Maybe the turbine mouth only has to appear once anyway, for that all important 'rawr' when she's being chased. Would be awesome.

Your designs are looking slick man.